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The Easton Winter Village 2024

Matt Laska

A Christmas Celebration in the heart of Easton's Center Square

If you've never been to Easton, Pennsylvania, the downtown business district is a scenic panorama of historic sights. It's beautiful all year long, but during the holidays it's particularly stunning. Center Square, in the heart of downtown, is the perfect backdrop for my favorite Easton event, The Winter Village.

30,000 people come through, and it's a great opportunity for independent artists to share their work.

This is what I love about the WInter Village.
This is what I love about the WInter Village.

I've been a vendor for five years, since the opening in 2020. By now, I have a general perspective on what people want from Christmas. But before I just blurt it out, let me tell you who I am as an exhibition designer.

I love the capricious nature of people. I don't mind paradox, and I expect visitors to be spontaneous in their thoughts and movements. And when it comes to spending money, I want them to be picky, persnickety, and discerning, as long as they're willing to have fun.

The photo moment, in progress in my studio.
The photo moment, in progress in my studio.

...OK, so here's what people want from Christmas... They want it to be the same as every year, but better. That, friends, is proper yuletide persnicketousness, and this is what it means for me.

Of the things that must be better, most can be done in the shop. My photo moment, displays, and, of course, the ornament designs all get an annual refresh. I also make little pieces of Christmas swag to give the grandmas and grandkids, my most loyal customers. All of that must improve every year.

But here's what stays the same: when I'm done building displays and designing ornaments, I transform. I become a different person. I like this person very much, and I wish I could be him all the time.

I once thought that the goal of art and design was to produce emotions in an audience, with me inside the work, broadcasting a message from the center.

But now I understand it differently:

Other people's feelings are not the end but the source of inspiration. And if I'm open and free, they'll share them with me.

The person who I become at the Winter Village is open and free. He is light. He's able to meet people where they are, wherever they are.

I often say that the Winter Village is a highlight of my year. This is why. I love the things that get better but kinda stay the same.

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous 2025. We'll see you again in November.


601 East Street

Unit 300

Easton, PA 18042

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